Saturday, December 14, 2013

Appropriate attire (and equipment) required - #349/365

Via Flickr:
A good friend of mind once said "there's no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate attire". I'm not sure where he heard it from, but I quote him often. We've had a very cold week here in Toronto and a nasty snow storm today. My tweet the other day had said "Report from the dog walk: definitely a fur hat & ski mitt kinda morning; thinking of my wife & daughter as they head to colder Manitoba". Well it's still colder in Manitoba, but with the extra snow on the ground, I pulled out the Sorels tonight. I also added an important element for the dog walk - music. Thanks to my wife's Christmas gift last year, these Klipsch buds have beautiful sound and fit comfortably under the fur hat. So tonight's tweet is "report from the dog walk: pretty cosy actually; appropriate attire required".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:-) didn't see all the detail on my phone from Manitoba...great story!