Monday, March 06, 2006

I'd like to thank...

Reporting on the Academy awards the morning after, movie fan - PJMixer...

I'd like to thank...Mom and Dad for introducing me to the music of Johnny Cash when I was young...otherwise I wouldn't have been interested in seeing Walk the Line (fab movie, too bad Joaquin was competing against Philip). And there again, is the connection to all things music in my life.

Of all the nominated movies I didn't see this year, I did manage to see 4 of the big award winners - Reese; Philip; Rachel and Crash. Can I pick 'em or what.

Biggest surprise - Reese. Best speech - Clooney. Most deserved - Philip (great performance, great career roles, although I wasn't a big fan of Capote) and Crash (everyone I know loved this one, best movie I've seen in a long time, gotta see it again now).

I heard Syriana was a great movie, so I'll give a nod to Clooney. But Brokeback Mountain ? I actually don't know anyone that's seen it !

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