Chapter 3 - Why Pay Attention to the News and Politics?


Never thought this would be a problem - Fertility rate: 'Jaw-dropping' global crash in children being born 

Page introduction

Where do you get your news feed?  I was talking with my parents yesterday, you know - trying to understand and solve the world’s problems...and I suggested that younger people don’t watch the news or read the newspaper.  I’m talking about traditional TV and newsprint forms, or even a credible news website.  I think they get artificially curated news via their social media content feeds.  They would see a headline or a provocative photo shared by a friend, but the source of that content should be scrutinized.   

Even for those that do watch their local TV station news or live in a community where receiving a local paper is still in option, we need to understand that there is still confirmation basis in our selected news source, you could go as as far to see we have choices in our news.  There really is no doubt where Fox News and CNN stand, I even fear that the institution of the BBC may not be as objective as we all think.  

I do watch and read the news on a daily basis, perhaps more than I ever have in my life.  For one, I find the complexity of today’s world very interesting.  I feel that many of the world’s problems are highly complex with no easy answers, whether that is the economy, society, business, technology and the environment.  But more and more, I pay attention to the news because it is important.  I’m not talking about the latest building fire, traffic accident or sports score.  I’m talking about local, national and global changes that have universal importance.  You may feel that issues of the today’s complex world don’t affect you, but don’t be so sure.  They may not affect you today, but they might tomorrow or they might affect your children, your parents or your friends.  Or they may be lurking under the surface of daily life, impacting your life without you even knowing it.  

I admit this is all rather tiring and sometimes we just need to get away from all this messiness or retreat inwards and feel the personal joy and happiness.  There’s nothing wrong in that, but life’s a balancing act and something you have to poke you head up, double-click on a real news story and pay attention.  It’s important.

How does politics come into this.  Unfortunately we need to wade through politics to get to the government and the creation of public policy.  There are of course grassroots organizations and just causes that can impact immediate and local change, I feel that real change, long-lasting, concrete change requires formal changes in the law and how will allow governments, agencies and companies to function.

On my mobile device, I often keep to a daily regimen of global to local, i.e. starting the BBC global news, then a look at the state of things in the US from the viewpoint of CNN and then home to CBC.  I do more in-depth reading with The New York Times and I listen to it’s podcast The Daily, almost daily.  I also do zoom out often to listen to the BBC Global News Podcast.   Then on morning TV viewing, it’s usually the cycle of CBC Newsworld, CNN and CP24.

As another Monday morning arrives, news awaits us with practical health recommendations during this global COVID-19 pandemic and information to educate us about the realities of racism.  

On the subject of the pandemic, it’s a very complex numbers and science game, but a good example of the importance of news is perhaps this one that provides new insights into dated beliefs:

And thinking big picture, this one from a few days ago got my attention:

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