Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Know your audience

I recorded a vlog on Monday called He’s Rambling and Not Even Dressed for It.  I finished editing and uploaded the vlog last night.  I’m up early now on Wednesday thinking about new vlog ideas and one of them is about my audience.

One of the most memorable complements I ever received was a good friend saying she thought I was a Renaissance Man.  I’m not certain if I’d heard the term before, but I think it may have gone to my head a little - I wrote a blog about it and the related term polymath.  Anyway I’m rambling again.  The point is I have lots of different things that interest me, quite a few things that I know something about and there’s a small list of specific things I know a lot about.   You can also see this from the newer format of this blog where I’ve tried to compartmentalize topics into chapters.

Back to the vlog and this morning’s thoughts.  I was going to share my vlog, but I wasn’t certain which channels to use.  It’s certainly not related to business, so I can scratch Linkedin off the list. Twitter was the obvious channel as it is public and has the chance of finding a new audience as well as popping up in friends’ feeds.  The most active channel for friends and some family is Facebook but I’m a little conflicted with the platform recently and feel my frequent sharing of photos and travel videos is perhaps “too much” (need a better word here) for some friends.  

I perhaps watch more YouTube vlog content that read blogs today and I have noticed that a few of my favourites like Peter McKinnon are able to handle multiple audiences. For example, he’ll specifically say in the first part of the vlog that it will be more for photographers using Lightroom than for a audience looking to improve their Instagram channel.  So, I need to keep my audience in mind - a good lesson indeed for many situations, work, family or social.

So, I’m still a little uncertain of the audience for yesterday’s vlog.  So here’s the trick - I’ll use this blog post as a Trojan horse - for those that prefer to read the ramblings of amateur polymath, here you are.  And for Instagram, I like to use a collage to spike a little interest and I’m going to also use the trick where people embed a link into their profile as a path to a different channel.  How’s that?  Enjoy hump day Wednesday everyone.

1 comment:

Suze20TO said...

Great blog post, vlog and I love the chapters!! Happy to see you figuring out better ways to organize and share your insight. Also love seeing old blogs again.