Friday, November 21, 2008


It's sunny, it's Friday and it's World Hello Day. The simple idea is to do your part for world peace by saying hello to strangers today. I like the idea, I'm going to try and do it. Although I didn't do it yet and I was in a crowded subway with other people reading the same front page this morning- hm. If that's too big of a stretch for you, perhaps just make sure you have a nice smile today, open the door for someone, or offer directions to someone who's a little lost. This last action is my personal favourite and something I do quite often. Actually it's quite easy for me because my office is in the Eaton Centre and there's always some confused shoppers. Hey, this way I get to say hello and offer some assistance at the same time, brilliant.


Suzanne Sewell said...


Can I throw in a David Cook reference in there? Please?? ;-)

PJMixer said...

No, sorry. Not allowed.

Richard Sewell said...

Hello..... late... sorry....

Hello to David Cook as well!
