Friday, February 24, 2006

"Off" sick, poor old me !

Well in this world of "always-on", how can one actually be "off" ? The emails keep flying and the mobile phone keeps ringing.

I've got one of those head hurting, can't think straight, low energy, drippy and coughy cold / flu things. Although Mom, in her traditional ways, would say I can't have the flew if I'm not in the hospital !

I've been taking a lethal combination of cold/flu/cough day/night drugs and the occasional ibuprofin, Fisherman's Friend and cough syrup, mixed with unavoidable warm drink caffeine. The drug store visit was quite an ordeal, faced with the myriad of choices, in my state, how can I really distinguish between post-nasal drip, sinus pain or simple cold symptoms - just make it go away - I feel like crap ! Oh, but make sure it doesn't make me fall asleep in front of the computer, or worse, driving the car !

What makes it worse, is that annoying call you have with a person that almost sympathizes with you, but says "I've got the flu too - only got an hour sleep last night" - B***SH**, they sound so frigging cheery you'd swear they'd just won the lottery, no way could they be feeling this bad !

Oh, and of course this week just happened to be the date for my annual checkup with my doctor. Lucky me. Of course, she thinks I've got something a lot worse than the flu, which she is trying to prove with a saliva sample from deep in my throat - definite gag reflex - I thought I was going to throw up right in her face ! Not to mention the...

Prevention ? You ask - well, no I didn't get a flu shot back last fall. But I'm not sure that would have helped against the emotional and environmental stress of building a back yard ice rink in -15c weather last weekend ! Maybe my work buddy (and TTC newbie DK) has the right approach - wearing gloves on the subway ! Prevention - how about not going near your germ carrying kids when they come home from school (bless their little hearts) !

I've actually had a fair share of customer meetings this week. And each one has that awkward moment - should I pass on my germs via a business appropriate hearty handshake or be a wimpy, polite guy and mention my sorry state ! Then you have a little time with a colleague when you finally have the time to ask all the important questions you've been saving up for months and he's rambling on with all this great insight into the industry and technology - but your head is just about ready to explode. Then you decide, hey, before I go home, get a few winks perhaps, and prepare for the onslaught of the weekend - I might as well post my to my blog...and here I am.

Wish me luck shaking this one soon so I can enjoy the weekend. I've just got to get past a kids concert at school and maybe an adventurous outing to see my ultimate buddies open their movie Metal: A Headbanger's Journey
tonight, sounds like that'll cure it !


Anonymous said...

Phil, Phil, Phil. WHen you feel the symptoms, I have told other significant others - apple cider vinegar with honey in a nice tea. BUT you have to almost OD on the stuff. At least 5-7 big mugs every day for 3-5 days.

PJMixer said...

Thanks Magic, I'll remember for next time - feeling a lot better today !