Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Making plans

A friend of mine said an interesting thing yesterday (he admitted today, that he heard it from someone else, and perhaps you've heard it before).

When you make plans, God laughs at you.

It goes against most modern, organized thinking, but quite likely, is the real story for the unpredictable screenplay of life. Personally, I find this thought quite difficult to absorb as I am quite a detailed person and do quite a lot of planning - what does it mean, throw it all out of the window - and "just go with the flow" ? No, you can't just leave it all up to chance, but it probably means there's a limited return on making plans any more than 3 weeks out. But, it doesn't mean you can slack off either. To survive and thrive in this world, you've gotta be on your toes and be ready for the opportunity when you see it (kind of a soccer analogy).

What happens when you're faced with an unpredictable situation, a surprise guest or a golden opportunity ? You hope that this is where your instinctive nature kicks in and you adapt to the situation and it turns out just great ! The funny thing is that you don't get to enjoy the buildup, the anticipation of it all.

Vacations are a good example, lots of planning and anticipation (actually this is sometimes the best part), but the actual vacation doesn't live up to expectations or most often, is quickly forgotten. And sometimes, things just don't go as planned. However, sometimes the way it turns out becomes a long lasting story that is retold over and over with old friends, remember the time...

Of course, not all surprises are good and it is often these unpleasant surprises that are the real tests in our lives. We definitely can't plan for these events (nor do we want to), so all we can do is be prepared (there's a difference, I think) and get on with it.

So, some advice for the day, put down the daytimer, connect with a buddy that has the spirit of spontaneity or even take a cue from your kids (they are great non-planners) and take a ride someplace new, consider an unusual recommendation, take the time to look at something new, call the person who just sent you that last email or accept the invite. I'm sure it will be memorable and you'll have a story to tell.

So I'm sitting here in a hotel bar in Ottawa, making plans for the evening...what ? Gotta go and see what happens next !

Spontaneously written by PJMixer.


PJMixer said...

I ended up going to see Mission Impossible III, with a quick Sushi grab beforehand.

MI III was ok, not not as good as I'd expected. At par with II. I liked Hoffman's job and it was great to see Simon Pegg from Shaun of the Dead.

p.s. You lost me on that last comment re: Synchronicity eec !

Anonymous said...

Simon Pegg is top drawer - just checking PJ, you have seen Spaced right?

Anonymous said...

Little Dick said..

so, I'm the sort of guy who plans out what I am going to say about not planning, and then doesn't say it. I used to be the worst procrastinator "IN THE WORLD", then I went through the grad school / immigration / professor / self-employed laxative of life, and purged my soul of "leaving things to chance."

Planning is good now, maybe necessary, just ask our mum about late holiday cards, and you will have to agree a little planning ahead can save lots of grief.

I believe that if God laughs when we plan, it is because we confuse planning with being in control, when truly we are not. Yes, go ahead and plan, just don't expect it to be scribbled below the 10th commandment.

But planning should never become the emphasis. Sure its fun to research that hotel, or feel comforted by a well maintained schedule, but if the events planned for, or meetings themselves are dissapointing, or forgettable, then planning or no planning, life is passing you by!

PJMixer said...

Wow, deep bro. I think I need a little time to absorb the eloquence of your comments and calibrate them with my meandering path thru life ! BUT, hard to focus right now with Radio Nigel in the background and thinking of the first beer of the weekend !

Cuz - no haven't seen (and probably very hard to find here) Spaced but reviews sounds fab.