Tuesday, September 12, 2006

What does this mean ?

Warning - unedited late night comments and movie spoiler.

Just watched Fight Club. I hadn't seen it in a long time.

Always remembered that it was a great movie. Now, I'm not sure if I like it.

What the character becomes is something that he eventually hates.

Is that what the movies are doing to me ? Am I getting to a point where I need to stop watching ?

What's the point ? The value ?

Or are they teaching me something about myself ?

(no I'm not drunk)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yikes, jumping into the deep end of the pool here bro.

First off, love "Fight Club", but it is riddled with holes in the story. However, I don't agree that the character "becomes something he hates". I believe the character finally stops surpressing his true identity, and becomes what he really is.

Movies are entertainment, and we should appreciate them first for that purpose. Why else can we enjoy a classic like "Raging Bull", and then enjoy "The 40 year old virgin" in the same week?

The minute we expect more from the movies (inspired by those few indi movies that made a difference but no money), we will be dissapointed.

Thats my thought. I enjoy movies because they allow me to be a passive audience, a passenger, nearly vegatative. Thinking all the time wears me out, my brain needs to recover like any muscle in the body. Movies provide this for me/

If I want meaning, I will go to a gallery, or a poetry reading, or take a class in something, you know, with all the spare time that I have.
