Monday, August 27, 2007

Lessons from a vacation

  • Time passes with ease (especially when you don't have to factor travel times in to your day - the beach is right there !)
  • The joy of not having a schedule - hey, anyone feel like dinner yet ?
  • You don't really need the distractions of normal life like a newspaper, the TV and the news.
  • There is an odd feeling of not wishing for anything more - this beer - this view - my family with me - just perfect thanks. The amazing thing is that this can happen even when your mind has all kinds of time to wander.
  • Laughter comes easier.
  • Story telling is a staple activity and is typically better when lubricated by "liquid refreshment".
  • Reading a magazine or a book in front of other people is acceptable.
  • Fresh air and water is at once invigorating, and wonderfully tiring. Note that feeling tired at the cottage seems much truer than feeling tired at work and in the city.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Holiday hangover

I just came back from vacation on Tuesday. It's now Friday. Unfortunately the pleasures of "being away" are quickly evaporating and leaving me with a little bit of a hangover. It's not necessarily the usual, poor old me, back at work blah blah bah. This time, it's man, my city life is so crowded, everything is moving so fast, and it's so noisy. I can actually see what the other people mean ! 3 days back in the big smoke, I'm tired, my nose is being bombarded by pollution, the city seems particularly crazy and ugly and I'm already stressed. Welcome back.


Wow, it's been over a month since my last post. Sorry 'bout that, been on hols and all.

This article in the Post this morning caught my attention as it's a topic of conversation that typically comes up when talking with people about the power of the internet and the accuracy of its content.

The Big Wikiquestion - the sentence that helped sum this up best was - But the best answer to the Big Wikiquestion might be "Trustworthy compared to what?"