Monday, August 27, 2007

Lessons from a vacation

  • Time passes with ease (especially when you don't have to factor travel times in to your day - the beach is right there !)
  • The joy of not having a schedule - hey, anyone feel like dinner yet ?
  • You don't really need the distractions of normal life like a newspaper, the TV and the news.
  • There is an odd feeling of not wishing for anything more - this beer - this view - my family with me - just perfect thanks. The amazing thing is that this can happen even when your mind has all kinds of time to wander.
  • Laughter comes easier.
  • Story telling is a staple activity and is typically better when lubricated by "liquid refreshment".
  • Reading a magazine or a book in front of other people is acceptable.
  • Fresh air and water is at once invigorating, and wonderfully tiring. Note that feeling tired at the cottage seems much truer than feeling tired at work and in the city.