Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Deal of the year

I usually buy a calendar for my office wall in January as they are usually priced at 50% of the original price. I'm not too picky and I usually change things up year after year. I had a casual look in Indigo at lunch and this Weather calendar caught my eye. Pretty unusual, some nice photography and lots of extra weather bits inside that I thought my son would like at the the end of each month. But I couldn't believe the $2 sticker - wow, now that is a no-brainer. I take it to the checkout desk with another book I wanted to do a price check on. Turns out the book was not on sale, so I say "just the calendar" and she says "can't beat a $2 calendar", no kidding. So then she says, it's 50% off ! Hah, this must be the cheapest purchase in a very long time, with tax $1.13.

On a somewhat related note, it really bothers me I have to pay full price for magazines. I assume this is the case everywhere in the shopping world and you can really only save yourself a few dollars if you get a subscription. Subscriptions for me don't work out too well because my mag choices are mostly from the UK (why do UK mags seem to have so much more content in them?). Here's an idea, don't you think the mag companies/distributors etc, could make some decent money selling last month's mags at a discount rather than sending them back and selling as a back issue ?

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