Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Ultimate food court

I went down to the North end food court at The Eaton Centre today to load up on some wonton noodle soup and bumped into an old friend of mine.  Tom is a lawyer and works in one of the office towers so I've known he works in the 'hood for a long time, but I don't think I've ever seen him close to our offices (I'm in another of The Eaton Centre's 3 office towers) in over 5 years.  I know Tom from ultimate [frisbee], we played on a few teams together and went to the world championships back in 1995.  One small coincidence is that I sent him a quick email the other day wishing him happy birthday.  As I'm walking out of the foodcourt with my take-out soup I bump into another old friend from ultimate - Russell.  I've never seen him out of ultimate gear and here he was dressed like he'd just stepped out of GQ (he was on his way to a meeting).  Turns out that Russell's office is in the same tower as Tom's.

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