Saturday, July 04, 2020

Where I find new music: Part 15 - festival listings

I'm chilling to the smooth sounds of BadBadNotGood while enjoying a lovely summer afternoon on our cabana in our urban back yard.

It’s July 4th, 2020 and I compiled a commemorative playlist this morning based on some favourite US places and their fabulous musicians, the order is Hawaii - California - DC - Tennessee - NY - Michigan - Texas - Louisiana - Colorado. Some appropriate titles too, including: Better Together, Take it Easy, History, Life During Wartime, Don't Get Around Much Anymore and Caution - YouTube playlist and Apple Music playlist.

So I'm revisiting some of my faves this afternoon, including Rodriguez.  There’s a fantastic performance of his at a festival called Best Kept Secret.  I was curious about the festival and what kind of lineup would include him.  It's an annual festival in The Netherlands and appears to have an interesting combination of alternative bands and musicians.  Assuming the 2020 dates were cancelled in this year of the COVID-19 pandemic, I had a look at the 2021 line-up.  You can of course, see the headliners and you work the way the list, assuming more popular bands are toward the top of the list.  There's an unusual name there BADBADNOTGOOD that kind of rings a bell.  I Google them and notice a Tiny Desk post and take a look - nice.  I look a little further and there's a full length concert available.

And it's posted by the CBC!  These young musicians are from right here in Toronto.  Wow, great find.  Their music would perhaps fit on CBC's evening show, but I'd be surprised if I've heard them before.  

Now to see what else I find from the line-up listing.

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