Thursday, June 17, 2010


After my ultimate [frisbee] game I parked at Keele subway station to join my teammates for a post-game beer and burger. I was taking some shots of the concrete subway bridge when I noticed a man exit the subway and start walking towards me. I could tell he was a little curious and sure enough he wondered over to ask was I was up to.

As you can see, Don is a pretty colourful character and was more than happy to pose for a few shots. I liked the contrast of the harsh concrete with his casual and comfortable look. Don was heading to Latinada on Bloor street to play keyboards with the musical owner. I was really tempted to take up Don on his offer of a beer at Latinada, but I wasn't in the cards that night. But I do plan on going to visit sometime - the online reviews of the food and music sound wonderful.

I was pretty pleased with the shot, even though I only had the pop-up flash available.

Don is #59 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at

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